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“I also desire that every family prominently display the picture I will later show to My “little daughter” - God The Father to Mother Eugenia

[1 John 1:5]

“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”  


In The Gospels


Our Father -

.. is the only true God. (Jn 17:3)

.. is our one Father, who is in heaven. (Mt 23:9)

.. is perfect. (Mt 5:48)

.. knows what we need before we ask him. (Mt 6:8)

.. gives us our daily bread. (Mt 6:11)

.. delivers us from evil (Mt 6:13)

.. forgives our offenses. (Mt 6:14)

.. gives good things to those who ask him. (Mt 7:11)

.. reveals to little ones. (Mt 11:25)

.. has compassion (Lk 15:20)

.. makes his sun to rise upon the good and the bad. (Mt 5:45)

.. is kind to the unthankful. (Lk 6:35)

.. is merciful (Lk 6:36)

.. gives us His Holy Spirit. (Jn 14:16; 15:26)

.. raises up the dead and gives life. (Jn 5:21)

.. gives us a kingdom. (Lk 12:32)

.. embraces and kisses us when we return to him. (Lk 15:20)

.. alone knows the day and hour that heaven and earth will pass away. (Mk 13:32)

...Jesus tells us that He is "my Father and your Father," "my God and your God." (Jn 20:17)



In The Catechism Of The Catholic Church


The Church recognizes the Father as "the source and origin of the whole divinity." (#245)

It is the Father who generates. (#254)

He is our Father from whom all things are. (#258)

The Father is the principal without principal ...the first origin of the Spirit. (#248)

The Fathers's name has been revealed to us in the Son, for the name "Son" implies the new name "Father." (#2779)

Jesus revealed that God is Father ....(#240)

God is the Father Almighty, whose Fatherhood and power shed light on one another: God reveals His omnipotence by the way He takes care of our needs; by the filial adoption He gives us ... finally by His infinite mercy, for He displays His power at its height by freely forgiving sins. (#270)

By calling God "Father," the language of faith indicates two main things: that God is the first origin of everything and transcendent authority; and that He is at the same time goodness and loving care for all His children. (#239)

`We can invoke God as "Father" because He is revealed to us by His Son become man and because His Spirit makes Him known to us. (#2780)

He is not the Father who is the Son, nor is the Son He who is the Father, nor is the Holy Spirit He who is the Father or the Son. The are distinct from one another in their relations of origin: "It is the Father who generates, the Son who is begotten, and the Holy Spirit who proceeds. The diving Unity is the Triune. (#254)




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